NPC Generator AI

Fantasy NPC description generator for RPG like D&D with GPT-3!

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Female Dark Elf Smuggler (Level 17)

Personality: (Rugged) (Adorable) (Accomplished)Elberron)

Lawful Neutral alignment

STR 7 INT 8 WIS 7 DEX 14 CON 12 CHA 15


Risa is a tall, slender elven woman (roughly 5'9", 135lbs), with long, straight dark hair (falling just past her waist) and delicate cheekbones. Her eyes are a deep, almost black shade of brown. Her ears, which are just as long as they should be, are pierced and adorned with gold, silver, and sea-green glass. Her clothes are rather feminine, falling just above her knees, but they're coloured in a dull shade of black. The book she travels with is (obviously) a spellbook, naturally bound in black leather. She has a dagger attached to her right calf and a crossbow slung over her shoulder.


Risa is snide, a trait she picked up from living within the large port city of Baldur's Gate. However, she is also courteous and friendly - as long as you keep a light-hearted nature. She tends to lash out when people take life too seriously, like the nobleman who would only speak with her when utterly sober. She also seems to like flirting with the men who encounter her. She comments that it's not good for the soul to see so many handsome men dying.


Of all the characters on the ship, Risa's background is the hardest to fully tell. Her father was a rogue, and her mother was a mage. Her mother died before she was born. Her father taught his daughter the ways of stealth and how to avoid getting caught, while her mother taught her technical magic and how to cast spells. She quickly began learning more spells, but as she grew up, she realized that she could get into trouble if the wrong people found out about her skill. It was then that she began to cut her ties with her father, experimenting more with the rogue aspect of her nature. Soon after she had left her father, she learned of a great opportunity.

Combat / Skills:

While Risa is a mage, she is less of a master of combat than she is a master of using her spells as tools. Risa's preferred weapons are her weapon based spells. She is known to use spells such as Burning Hands and Lightning Bolt to damage enemies or Disintegrate or Magic Missile to damage single enemies. If a large group of enemies is encountered, she'll use Cone of Cold to knock the enemies down or Fireball to hurt them all at once. If the enemy is a deity or another extremely powerful entity, she will try to cast Dominate Person, using the creature like a puppet. If she doesn't have these spells, she'll use her haste spell to increase her speed and cast Touch of Idiocy on an enemy. She also uses the few spells at her disposal to aid her allies: Dire Charm, Hold Person, and Suggestion are all examples. Risa has a few other spells in her spellbook that she uses beyond combat situations: Detect Magic, Dispel Magic, and Summon Monster I are examples.


Risa carries a small dagger and a small crossbow with a few bolts. She also carries a spellbook, which is usually kept on her person. Her magic doesn't really falter in fights, so she doesn't need weapons or armor. Due to her sneakiness, she would rather avoid fighting whenever possible.

Generated by GPT-3 and lightly edited by a human.

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About NPC Generator AI

Hello. I'm Paul Bellow, a LitRPG author and creator of this site with 1000's of Free D&D Random NPCs. I also run LitRPG Adventures, a set of advanced RPG generators and a growing library of RPG content generated by GPT-3 API from OpenAI.

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