NPC Generator AI

Fantasy NPC description generator for RPG like D&D with GPT-3!

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Nerval Ormond

Male Human Mayor (Level 3)

Personality: (Accident Prone) (Afraid) (Happy)

Lawful Neutral alignment

STR 18 INT 14 WIS 18 DEX 11 CON 14 CHA 12


Nerval is a tall and lean man. He is slightly heavyset, but it isn't noticeable due to his height. He is clean shaven and has a shaved head. His hair is black, and his eyes are dark brown. Nerval has a kind expression, and always tries to be welcoming to those he meets. He generally wears black robes of office and a long gray cloak.


If Nerval meets with the players, his primary concern will be that they don't leave a mess. He is very particular about his image, and likes to make sure that those he meets with are not too dirty or disheveled for him to associate with. Nerval will be friendly, but his expression is cold and formal. He has a habit of telling people that he works hard, and he expects them to work hard as well.


Nerval was born into a poor but hardworking family. He was expected to become an apprentice at a local shop by age 10. His father was a woodworker and had been lucky enough to not suffer any serious injuries in his profession. Nerval was not so lucky. He was accident prone through his childhood, and broke many small objects. His father was already working extra jobs to support the family, and this was too much. He attempted to beat Nerval into submission, but soon realized it wouldn't work. Nerval was incorrigible. He was taken in by a group of traveling merchants who sold cheap goods at high prices. They taught him the ways of salesmanship and he picked up a variety of skills. By age 13 Nerval was working with them, and they were happy with his work. Nerval and the merchants grew to learn each other very well. He excelled at what he did and the merchants grew to rely on him, both for his skills and for his occasional acts of compassion. Over time, Nerval began to feel like he was actually part of the group. For the merchants, he was a valuable asset, for Nerval he was the first people who considered him important. By age 15 Nerval had become privy to many of the merchants secrets, but he kept them all to himself. The merchants kept their secrets, and Nerval kept his. As time went on, Nerval decided it was time for him to leave and start his own business. Over the next few years, he learned many traits from the merchants and began to build his own business and his own name. He has recently been elected mayor and has made many changes in Crowthorne to improve the city.

Combat / Skills:

Nerval is an official elected to office, and as such he has good diplomatic skills. He also has some skill in persuasion, and a small bit of skill in intimidation. He is also skilled at reading people, and has a good sense of how to approach them. His salesmanship skills are also quite useful in this regard. In combat, Nerval is not a hard hitter but can be a fierce opponent. He is agile and a good dodger. He has a weak healing skill.

Generated by GPT-3 and lightly edited by a human.

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About NPC Generator AI

Hello. I'm Paul Bellow, a LitRPG author and creator of this site with 1000's of Free D&D Random NPCs. I also run LitRPG Adventures, a set of advanced RPG generators and a growing library of RPG content generated by GPT-3 API from OpenAI.

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